How to escape the prison of stress and anxiety (episode one)

I'm just back from teaching a retreat at the Cliffs of Moher. I'm sitting at my kitchen table writing this email to you. It was beautiful there and we had a great time breathing together, jumping into ice baths and hiking the cliffs. 

On my way back though, as I listened to the radio, I was struck by the atmosphere of confusion and chaos here in Ireland. We've been struggling with COVID for many months now and it feels like we're getting tangled up in bigger and bigger knots. Many people are scared, worried, anxious and cracking under the stress. 

I wanted to do something about that.

I have taught thousands of people all over the world, how to free themselves from the prison of stress and anxiety by simply breathing. I wanted to share these experiences with you. So, I made a series of videos that will help you deal immediately with pressure, anxiety and fear. They will help you breathe in ways that will also prevent stress from getting a grip on you. They will help you build a daily breathing practice that is simple, effective and quick. 

This is the first episode.