It all finished with the Good Glow

How are you feeling? How has the shift from winter to spring affected you?

For me, I have taken this change in the seasons to stop, slow down and reflect on the past year. To help me do that, I have spent the past 10 days on a sort of retreat (at home obviously). I wanted time to reflect, to break some bad habits and to figure out what direction I am going in next.

My at-home-retreat included:

  • Cacao ceremonies morning and evening

  • More time meditating

  • Dramatically reducing my time on all types of screens and technology

  • In-depth study of coherent breathing

  • And it all ended with a 3-day fast

I have learnt a lot during those 10 days. I will be sharing it with you in the coming weeks. Once I have absorbed it myself.

And in the middle of those 10 days, I was interviewed by Georgie Crawford for the Good Glow podcast.

We talked about how breathing with someone you care about brings you closer together. How it feels to spend 10 minutes in a cold shower late at night (and why the feck you'd do it). How we can find ourselves stuck in survival / emergency mode for years and how to escape from it. And much more.

I think you'll enjoy it. Listen now.