What's Your Medicine?

Let me try to describe this little sanctuary for you: 

It's just off the beaten track. The surrounding trees often sway gently in the breeze. A slow river runs through it and it's home to a family of ducks. I'm sitting here at the moment, writing this email. It's a sliver of paradise. 

But, I had to fight with myself to get here. "I could just stay indoors and work on my laptop, that would be easier," I thought. But, my mind was a bit tangled and I was feeling caged in, like an animal. So, I packed up my laptop and came to this small sanctuary beside the ducks.  

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I feel great because of it. My heart feels open and light. My mind feels clear. I'm happy. Sometimes, I forget that I'm a mammal. An animal. A creature that needs to be outside. That is my medicine. For me, it cures everything. 

What's your medicine?

What is the thing you need when you're feeling low? What is the thing you need when you're worried or anxious? What is the thing you need when you're not feeling yourself? 

Getting outside is essential for me. But, here are my other medicines: 

- Taking a few minutes to breathe deeply
- Immersing myself in the cold
- Playing with the children
- Talking to Josie
- Looking at the sea
- Stopping everything and drinking cacao
- Moving vigorously  

Here's my challenge to you for today: give yourself permission to do one of the things that makes you feel better. 

That's it. Take some of your medicine. 

I'm going to take my own advice and do the same once I finish writing this sentence!