"What the hell is wrong with you?"

There I was, walking along the beach, wearing shorts in the depths of winter. The wind was howling and I felt alive and invigorated. To be honest, I wasn't even aware that I was wearing anything unusual.

An elderly man was walking past me and I turned to say hello.

Before I could get the words out of my mouth, he said: "what the hell is wrong with you? Wearing shorts in weather like this!"

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He walked on quickly and I stopped, feeling a little shocked. I looked down at my legs, and feet, in the shallow water and I thought back to the moment it all changed for me...

I had just spent two and a half hours hiking up a frozen mountain in blizzard conditions. I was only wearing shorts. No jumper, no jacket, no gloves. Just shorts and boots.

I got to the top and embraced Wim Hof. We had a quick chat and then we all headed back down the mountain. I spent nearly 5 hours outside in the snow and I felt great.

Something changed up there on the mountain. My body understood the cold differently after that. I never felt the need for trousers again. In fact, they felt restrictive.

All of that came flooding back to me, as I stood on the beach watching the old man walk into the distance. It got me thinking:

Why are other people frightened when they see something different?
Why do they want everyone to conform?
Why are they angry about it?

It also got me thinking about you.

You don't have to wear shorts. But, there might be something you want to wear, but feel that you can't. There might be something you want to do, but feel that you shouldn't. There might be something you want to say, but feel too shy.

What is that thing you haven't done yet?

Today, do it anyway. Feel how invigorating it is. Feel how alive it makes you.

Then, when that nay-sayer walks by, ask them: "what the hell is wrong with you?"