Winter is Coming
Health and strength for the dark months.
The dark months of the year are meant to be a time of rest, hibernation and recuperation. But, they often don’t feel like it. We still have to deal with stress, pressure, anxiety and more. And, of course, cold and wet weather.
“Winter is Coming” is a programmme that helps organisations keep their staff healthy, strong and happy during the dark months. It is delivered by renowned Wim Hof Method instructor Níall Ó Murchú.
What your staff will learn?
To breathe fully and deeply, improving their health, giving them more energy and reducing stress
To improve their focus and determination, helping them explore and eventually master their body and mind
Use gradual exposure to the cold to strengthen their immune system, balance hormone levels and elevate their mood
benefits of this programme:
Increased energy
Better sleep
Heightened focus and determination
Improved performance
Reduced stress levels
Greater cold tolerance
Faster recovery
Enhanced creativity
This method has been scientifically-proven to work.
Value to your organisation
Your staff will be healthier and stronger, helping to reduce absenteeism. Their levels of stress, anxiety and worry should also lower. They’ll have better skills for dealing with all types of pressure, helping them to be more productive and content.
Format of programme
This is a four-week long programme, run over consecutive weeks. Every week, there’ll be a breathing session with your staff in your office. At that, they’ll learn to breathe in a profound way.
As the weeks progress, their ability to use the breathing will improve, making it more effective.
In between these sessions, your staff will be given exercises to practise, cold water challenges to try and further information, helping them to embed this simple method into their daily lives.
For more information, please email me.