Information for teachers

Teachers from The Blissful Breath Academy will find important information on this page.

This includes information on:

  • Our monthly gatherings on Zoom

  • How to join the teacher group on WhatsApp (for important notices)

  • Insurance

  • Important documents

If there is anything missing from this page, please drop me a line


Teachers are invited to join me on the first Thursday of every month at 7pm (Dublin time) for a Q&A and mini-breathing session. It’s not mandatory but it’s a great way to ask questions, share experiences and breathe together.

Recordings of these sessions will be sent to everyone via the WhatsApp group. So, make sure in the group (see information further down the page).

Zoom details: 

  • Topic: LIVE Q&A with breathwork teachers

  • First Thursday of each month at 7pm (Dublin time)

  • Join Zoom Meeting:

  • Meeting ID: 897 5480 2495

Teacher Group - WhatsApp

WhatsApp groups can be a nightmare. But, they are also a great way to communicate quickly about important things. So, I have asked Josie (co-founder of The Blissful Breathe Academy) to create a WhatsApp group for all the teachers. But, only Josie will be able to post messages in it. So, it’s not a place for lots of messages and discussion (we are working on a centralised place for that). But, instead, it’s a way for Josie and I to quickly, and easily, tell you about important things. Such as, how we can all prosper together.

Join the group using this QR code.

Or, follow this link: